February 14, 2025

Architectural Design Kingdom

Home is where the heart is

20 Design Questions to Ask Before Starting a Home Project

20 Design Questions to Ask Before Starting a Home Project

It’s fun to flip through the pages of an interior design magazine and daydream about what your home could look like if you had access to the world’s top designers—but how do you take that inspiration and apply it to your own home in a way that works for you? To make the design process as fun and easy as possible, we tapped the best sources (i.e., interior designers) to figure out what questions they’re asking clients that you should definitely ask yourself before starting a design project or hiring an interior designer.

What matters most is how you live your life, the habits you present, the way you respond to things like clutter or mess, and your priorities. “I always end every client questionnaire by quoting Le Corbusier and asking, ‘Fast, cheap, or good—pick two.’ It’s so straightforward, but it gets right to the meat of where the client sees value,” designer Victoria Sass explains. Once those pieces are established, then you can get into the more stylistic questions.

We reached out to seven established designers—Maggie Dillon, Breeze Giannasio, Ahmad AbouZanat, Victoria Sass, Kerri Pilchik, Ashley Ross, and Noz Nozawa—to find out what they think should be asked before starting projects. Below, we’ve compiled their responses into a list of 20 questions, both aspirational and technical, that will make your home truly perfect for you.

What to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Design Project

  1. How do you want this space to function?
  2. Do you plan to entertain?
  3. How do you like to set up while entertaining?
  4. Do you have young kids and/or pets?
  5. Who will be living in the space?
  6. What type of activities happen in each space?
  7. What sparks joy for you?
  8. Where do you feel most like yourself?
  9. Do you have memories of favorite places, real or imaginary, that you want to channel into the home?
  10. What are your favorite hotel and restaurant destinations, and how are they styled?
  11. What’s your general favorite color?
  12. What do you love about your home, and what do you like the least?
  13. Is there a public space that you love, and why do you love it?
  14. Do you have any collections or art that you want to incorporate into the design?
  15. What do you want the space to feel like?
  16. What did you like and dislike about the home(s) you grew up in?
  17. What is the desired tone of your home—is it personal and contemplative, is it boisterous and socially leaning, or is it a combination of both?
  18. Are there any furniture or decor pieces that absolutely must stay?
  19. Do you like a statement piece or a statement room?
  20. What is the most amazing place you’ve ever been to? How did it make you feel? What did you love about it? What is your favorite memory about being there?

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